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Musicians Enjoy Foundation Orchestral Workshop

07 Feb

Crescent School welcomed pupils from fellow Foundation Prep School Crackley Hall on Friday 7 February for an orchestral workshop. 

Designed to develop and stretch music and performance skills, pupils worked under the guidance of Crescent’s Director of Music, Julie Barnes, to prepare and rehearse a mixture of pieces ready for an afternoon performance.

The children relished making music, especially in such a big group. They worked hard to prepare two challenging pieces, Bright Eyes by  Mike Batt and The Fossils by Saint-Saëns, both pieces testing the players’ technical and music-reading ability.

The day finished with a short concert for parents where five soloists also showcased their musical skills. For Crescent, Alex played Canzona 5 on cornet, Gloria played The Minstrel Boy on cello , Nora played The Prince of Denmark's March on trumpet while Matthew finished with a very technical Fish and Chips on recorder. 

The workshop was a great opportunity for them all to play together. Thank you to Crackley Hall School for an excellent day.