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A First And A Second In The ISA Midlands Art Competition

11 Oct

Congratulations to Oore and Ayaan who have been recognised in this year's ISA Midlands Art competition.

The ISA National Art Competition takes place annually, inviting participation from all pupils at ISA schools. The competition is held in two stages – the Area Art Competitions and the National Final. Mrs Thackway submitted some of the children’s artwork into the Midlands Area competition and Crescent School was delighted to discover that Ayaan and Oore had both won prizes. Aryaan won a second prize for his excellent ‘Still-Life with Guitar’ while Oore went one better, winning first prize for her painting ‘Scary Wolf’. As the winner of her class, Oore’s work will now go forward to the National competition in November and will go on show at the ISA National Art Exhibition.

Oore’s work features a wolf going down a chimney and to get a better effect, when she was producing it, she turned her page around. When the judges were considering her painting they judged it upside down – and that is why the rosette is the wrong way round. Oore is keeping famous company because even famous artists such as Paul Gauguin have had their work hung or sold upside down!

Many congratulations to Oore and Aryaan, this is fantastic recognition for these talented young artists!